[From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters and sitcoms at [http://www.clickok.co.uk;] 188 stages of the Hero's Journey you need to know about...]
The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of thriving stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, All of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.
Akdy Hood
Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.
The Hero's Journey:
a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has concerning what a story is and how it should be told.
b) Gives the writer more structural elements than plainly three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.
c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite whole of varied stories to be created.
and more...
The Hero's Journey: The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) basic deconstruction
Fade In: commonplace World: Andy's apartment.
Meeting the Hero: Andy in bed.
Challenge: hard-on; no one to have sex with; alone etc.
Ordinary Behaviour: working out; bath; breakfast;.
Devolved State: still a kid on a bike; that boy needs to get laid.
Push out of the commonplace World and from commonplace Self: when are you going to get a car?
Refusal: Survivor; tonight; are we on?
Challenge Statement: that boy needs to get laid.
Devolved State: biking to work.
Professional commonplace World: walking into the store.
Devolved State: I'm not a salesman.
Meeting the Mentor: Cal went to Tijuana.
Challenge: what did you get up to? I boiled a dozen eggs.
Meeting Allies: David wants Paula to take Michael McDonald off the Tvs.
Meeting Allies: Jay and Mooj argue.
Call to Adventure: we need five guys to play a decent game of poker.
Refusal: Cal thinks Andy's a murderer.
Conscious Decision: Andy says yes.
Warning: Paula won't like it that they play poker in the shop.
Threshold Guardian: Mooj has to leave before Andy can play.
First Threshold:
Outer Cave: the guys find out Andy's a virgin.
Middle Cave: bag of sand, how can you be so stupid.
Foreboding of the Inner Cave: riding to work worried.
Inner Cave: everyone knows he's a virgin.
Pushed from the Inner Cave: Andy runs away.
Pursued: David follows.
Refusing the Transformation: I have a fulfilling life; playing the trumpet; painting soldiers; playing games.
Trial: arguing with the Haziz.
Allies Challenge: David relates his girlfriend problems in the café.
Push to the Transformation: come out with us this weekend.
Foreboding of the Belly of the Whale: all he sees is sex and women.
Foreshadow of the Resolution: the Eruption sign.
Belly of the Whale: Andy reasoning about his sexual attempts.
World of the Transformation: the bar.
New Clothes / New Self: this is too yellow.
Trial 1:
Outer Cave:
Mentor: show me your instinct.
Fish out of Water: I don't feel comfortable hitting on drunk bitches.
Moving nearby and using his peripherals.
Middle Cave: the girl's party; talking to the blonde.
Inner Cave: driving home; she throws up on him.
Talking about the caress in the back of the shop.
Refusing further Trials: this is so over.
Trial 2:
Meeting the Romantic Challenge: Trish needs some advice.
Transformation: Andy is a stock supervisor.
Overcoming Refusal: Andy persuades Trish.
Transformation: Andy gets Trish's number.
Trial 3:
Outer Cave: the guys have dinner; go for some hood rats first.
Middle Cave: getting drunk; dope; peeing in public.
Inner Cave: seeing Trish's whole on the fridge, calling but hanging up.
Trial 4:
Outer Cave: do you think I'm good looking.
Middle Cave: Getting his chest waxed.
Pushed to the Inner Cave: Cal tells Andy to talk to ask Beth questions.
Inner Cave: asking questions works.
Transformation: phoning and talking this time; but she thinks he's a telemarketer.
Refusal / Drawn back to the Old World:
Outer Cave: David brings over some porn.
Middle Cave: Andy doesn't want the porn.
Forced to the Inner Cave: David troops the porn on Andy.
Preparing for the Inner Cave: lighting candles etc.
Inner Cave: masturbating but preferring the sitcom.
Regression: Andy back in the tech box.
Reiterating All Challenges:
Developing Characters and Relationships: Jay selling a Tv; Paula would f*ck Andy in a Ny minute.
Pushed Forward: David invites Andy to the Date-a-Palooza.
Resisting: Andy doesn't want to do this.
Developing Characters and Relationships: Andy dates; David meets his Amy; Cal has a go at Amy.
Resisting: Andy passes the eBay store.
Ally's Challenge: Jay's girlfriend confronts Andy.
Ally's Challenge: David shows his ass on the Tv.
Foreshadow of the Transformation: Paula gives Andy David's job for the day.
Meeting the Oracle: Andy is invited to a party.
Developing Characters and Relationships: the Indians complain.
Andy confronts a Transvestite.
Trial: Andy has a go at the guys in the office.
Developing Characters and Relationships: Beth sees Andy.
Seizing the Sword: Andy goes into the eBay store and asks Trish out on a date.
Developing Characters and Relationships: David and Cal playing games.
Near Death: Andy can't pick up Trish because of the bike.
Near Death: Andy's apartment is too embarrassing.
Trish is accommodating and picks him up.
Andy gets a kiss at dinner.
Atonement: on her bed; they're going to have dinner; Andy doesn't know how to work the condoms.
Apotheosis: Trish has a daughter.
Comedy / Tragedy: Andy can't get rid of the erection; the phone call to India.
Ultimate Boon: Paula wants to be his f*ck buddy.
Refusal: you don't want any baby Daddy dramas; tell her you're a virgin.
Andy practicing telling Trish while painting soldiers.
Transformed: Joe and Sarah see Andy go on a date.
Developing the Apotheosis: Andy and Trish over dinner; she tells him she has three kids..
Denial: we should hold off having sex.
Magic Flight: running when Marla walks in.
Divergence: Marla puts Andy down; he doesn't have a car and he does magic.
Andy tells Cal she's a Grandma.
Transformation: Andy is promoted to Floor Manager.
Ally's Challenge: Cal interviews for Andy's job.
Ally's Challenge: Jay's wife has left him.
Andy and Trish work up to their 20 dates.
Push to the New Self / relaxation to Live: Andy tells Trish he wants to open his own store.
Goodbye to the Old Self: packing his toys.
Allies Challenge: the new girl likes David.
New Self: Andy in the new uniform.
Rescue from Without:
Trisha calls; Marla locked herself in the bathroom.
Going to sex education.
Convergence: Marla knows Andy's a virgin; they begin to get on.
Ally Transformation: David sells a Tv.
Ally Transformation: Jay looks at his son's scan.
Resisting the Crossing: Andy and Trish argue.
Resisting the Crossing: David resists talking to the new girl.
Andy drunk at the party.
David talks to the new girl.
Andy meets Beth.
Marla wants to see Trish happy.
Trish goes to Andy's place.
Andy can't do it with Beth.
Andy finds Trish in the apartment.
Crossing the Return Threshold: Trish runs and Andy follows.
Master of Two Worlds:
Catharsis 1: Andy tells Trish he's a virgin; it's just that I was waiting for you.
Catharsis 2: all the guys challenges resolved.
Catharsis 3: The Wedding.
Freedom to Live: sex.
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The unblemished 188 stage Heros Journey and other story structure templates can be found at http://www.clickok.co.uk/
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Kal Bishop, Mba
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