A good hood cleaner is a god send to all restaurant owners. Not just a hood cleaner, but a good hood cleaner - these are two very dissimilar things. A good hood cleaner can walk into your making ready whether it is a sky rise building in Boston or Manhattan or a single level building with 3 feet of duct work and know in the first 25 minutes how the entire job is going to be done. From the point of the first roll of plastic being brought in to the point of each one in the crew exiting your building These men and women rehearse their firm and all hood cleaners reputation.
Today it is a dissimilar world out there in this firm than it was 20 years ago. Now the regulations are real, they are enforced on both the hood cleaner and the restaurant owner. The Nfpa wants the fire hazards gone. They want the problems to be history. This is a good goal but the smaller restaurants took a hit in this whole thing some restaurants have issues with the codes yet the systems are still able to be cleaned properly. So in a circumstance like this, what happens?
The reality is the hood cleaning firm is suppose to record this, then the restaurant owner gets a letter saying they have so many days to have the question fixed or sometimes an inspector just shows up and sees the non compliancy issue and they record it.
Now what admittedly happens is this, hood cleaning fellowships are in firm to make money. That being said if they have a buyer or are giving an evaluation to a possible customer. They happen to consideration an issue that is not in compliancy with the codes. As soon as they put a fastener on your hood the technician who is licensed and signs that fastener becomes liable for that issue if it catches fire. Furthermore if some one else came in for any reckon and they reported it the technician is in big issue they can lose their license or a estimate of other bad things can happen.
At the end of the day most fellowships take the job and blame the technician. This is why you will see big fellowships take a question job, If something happens they can blame the technician.
But small firm who admittedly cares about you and your system, will tell you about the issues that need to be corrected and probably tell you they can't take the job unless you are going to fix the issue first because the second they put a fastener up they assume responsibility and their license is on the line.
If there was a few changes of wording in the codes a whole world of dissimilarity would be made on the manufactures for the better.
How can a firm prosper if they are supposed to regulate the aid while staying honest at the same time?
Honest men of integrity suffer greatly in this business.
Hood Cleaning Technician Outlook On The company